Use virtual reality for many different applications
Our headset hardware and software can be integrated into a wide range of bespoke or customised VR applications including simulators.
The P1 or E3 range of headset devices can be used for wireless or PC Tethered distribution of content to small, medium or large groups.
The choice of wireless or PC Tethered headset gives each individual a choice for how they want to use virtual reality for gaming or personal entertainment.
Each headset has been meticulously designed and developed to deliver outstanding performance in terms of visual quality, ease of operation and durability.
Amazing lens quality delivers blur-free images that are crisp and full of colour.
The P1 wireless virtual reality headsets have up to 5 hours battery life on a single charge.
We incorporate clever design to make headset use comfortable for long periods.
DPVR headsets can be used with popular platforms like Steam VR or custom software applications.
DPVR virtual reality headsets are used and supported around the world by many different brands in a wide cross section of industries for a mix of applications from education to entertainment.
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