How Eli & Fur used virtual reality to launch their new music

Eli & Fur launched their new music using virtual reality to broadcast a performance to their fans around the world

Virtual reality used
by bands & musicians


Eli and Fur are music producers who also songwrite, perform and are at the forefront of the international house and techno scene. Their progressive, modern, approach to creating music led them to explore the use of virtual reality to launch their new album ‘Found In the Wild’ with a live, 360 degree, immersive performance. 

Eli and Fur partnered with PhotonLens to create this unique virtual reality solution that combined content creation and our DPVR 4K VR headset hardware.

Virtual reality used for music single launches


“I would never have imagined our P1 Pro VR headset would be used to give people a music concert experience. But this shows how diverse virtual reality hardware and content can be. It just takes people to have some imagination and great content creation partners to bring these ideas to reality.

The music industry has been effected greatly in 2020 and 2021 with so many limitations on large public gatherings in place around the world. So singers, bands & musicians have been exploring new and different ways to give their fans some type of experience. For many that has been performing on a webcam in a studio or at their home.

Although by using virtual reality the music industry can give people a truly unique experience that can immerse them in a world that looks and feels real. When combined with a great set of headphones they can enjoy a viewing experience that is crystal clear & amazing sound as well.

This means a musician can reach a global audience and deliver content that is a step above traditional music clips on YouTube or streaming from Spotify or Apple Music. You can help people escape into another world for a few moments.

It is not surprising that new technology has had a profound influence on the music industry. Many years ago it had to contend with the introduction of the iPod & then many years later, music streaming services. These days most music is shaped by the use of technology at some level whether it is creating it, recording or performing. Although distribution of music is constantly evolving. 

So DPVR was not surprised to see Eli and Fur decide to work with Photonlens to distribute our P1 Pro 4K virtual reality headset that was customised and pre-loaded with their new songs in it. With a new, exclusive 360-degree live performance it puts each person in the front row.

Musicians can create new revenue streams

By taking this approach to creating new content in a unique way, a musician can create new revenue streams.

Using popular virtual reality content sharing platforms can create ways to monetise the content being created by the musician. People may be able to pay or subscribe to get access to exclusive virtual reality content not available anywhere else.

Even if that content was the same as shared on other mediums, the fact that it is in a virtual environment could still command a premium over traditional 2D methods of distribution and consumption.


What VR hardware did the musicians use?

To give people the best user experience possible the DPVR P1 Pro 4K virtual reality headset was used. This is our IF Design Award winning flagship headset that delivers incredible 4K high resolution viewing.

The P1 Pro 4K is a wireless virtual reality headset that only weighs around 300 grams, so it is comfortable, light & easy to use while moving around freely.

With its adjustable headband and suitable use with glasses it can accommodate people who have all types of head or face shapes or sizes.

Customised virtual reality headset hardware

The DPVR team worked very closesly with Photon Lens to customise our virtual reality headset hardware and software interface to suit this application.

Our team was able to do things like print the brand name on the faceplates, make changes to the menu visuals, create a bespoke user interface & even help design individual packaging.

It ensures that an agency, brand or supplier can present the VR headset as it requires to suit the brand execution.

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